I think I may be pregnant. Does my dentist need to know this?

If you think there is a chance you might be pregnant, it is always wise to inform your dentist before you begin treatment. Being pregnant will not prevent you from having dental treatment carried out, but most dentists prefer to defer any elective procedures (procedures that are not absolutely necessary) until after the pregnancy is over. This is particularly the case during the first and third trimesters. The taking of dental x-rays is also best avoided, if possible, during pregnancy, but experts agree that x-rays may be taken, where necessary, in the case of an emergency.

Paul Cotter

Paul is Founder & CEO of Bad Dog, an Irish Digital Marketing Agency. He has 30+ years experience in many facets of the design world. He’s got opinions too, from such a long career - and is more than willing to share them. With an insatiable appetite for anything tech and forward facing, pardon the pun, but he’s like a dog with a bone!